Over the past year, and especially the past month, I have thought a lot about the idea of being thankful in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). From leading prayer zone at the last home football game of the season, to many conversations with friends, to my own knowledge of my circumstances and all that God is doing in and through them. But really?! We're supposed to be thankful in ALL circumstances?
When everything is going well in life, we are getting our way, and we "feel" blessed, gratitude comes easily. It makes sense to be thankful in those circumstances. And then, there are those other times. You know, when things aren't going our way, it's all bad and no good in sight, and we feel like we are being punished for some reason (NOTE: that's not how God works).
Are we really supposed to be thankful when we don't seem to have much to be thankful for?
I have preached for years that "our circumstances do not compromise His character". What we go through in this life does not change Who He is. God on the mountain is still God in the valley. He is God. He is good. Even if and when my circumstances are not.
Having been through a pretty challenging year this year, I have had plenty of time to reflect on all of this. All I've been through. What I really believe about Who God is. In doing so, reflecting on this past year, difficult as it has been, I am overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude and thanksgiving.
I don't have to be thankful FOR everything that happens to me. You don't either. Some stuff just isn't fair and can be plain hurtful.
I can, however, choose to be thankful IN whatever circumstance I find myself in. Why?
Because, "all things work together for good" (Romans 8:28). Not all things are good. I believe our God specializes in bringing good out of big messes. After all, He turned a blood stained cross into an empty tomb! He can do the same thing in our lives. Bringing good out of even our most tragic circumstances. Beauty for ashes.
Not for all things, but in everything, give thanks.
I am exceedingly thankful.
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