A Reckless Love--- INTRO

I really like the song "Reckless Love". I think it is powerful, anointed, and is being used globally in leading us to a place of worship. Showing us a glimpse of " the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God".

Apparently, there is some controversy over the word "reckless" being used as a way to describe God's love.

I believe that God's love is multifaceted. He being the Creator and us being the created, I find it humerous that we would even begin to think we have him all figured out.

That being said, I like the word being used in this song. It fits. Especially when you consider the lengths He has gone to in order to share His love with us.

When Jesus was praying before His arrest and eventual crucifixion, He prayed. At one point, it seems He was interested in completing His mission a different way. He knew what was coming and He knew what it would cost Him to be obedient. He still chose to say, 'not my will, but Yours'....

Sounds pretty reckless to me.

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