NOTE: I originally wrote this post in a notebook, almost 5 years ago. It's kind of unfinished and I sort of like it that way so I'm sharing it with you as it appears in my old notebook. I'm looking to dust off my blog. I thought with all of the changes the past year has brought to my life, this was a fitting way to dip my toe back into the blogging waters. Hope it connects with you in a meaningful way and helps you look to Jesus, even in the tough times.
Think back to painful experiences you may have had.
Most often, there is a purpose behind the pain. In the midst of it, feelings of overwhelming depression cn creep in. You get in your head and whether it's audibly or not, you talk to yourself (and even yell sometimes, depending on who's home).
Our pain and trials force us to look to God and lean on Him (Psalm 119:71).
Not all things are good. That verse (Romans 8:28), does not promise roads lined with roses and lace. The promis is that all things, good and bad, are used by Almighty God in our lives. He can and will cause all things to work for good in your life.
Not for all things, but in everything, give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
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