November 13th, 1999 I asked Jesus to save me. That was 17 years ago today. As I think about my journey with Jesus, it has been full of great moments. The kind of moments that fill you with pride, gratitude, and great joy. I have gotten to participate in some pretty amazing ministry endeavors in the last 17 years.
I can also look back on some times that were not so pretty.
It is easy, and even normal with the way social media is used, to romanticize our journey with Christ. You know what I mean. Seriously, who wants to hear about our weaknesses? Who wants to hear about those moments when life is hard? Who wants to hear about our failures?
I'm tired of all that. No wonder people are so disenfranchised with the church. We can maintain a facade of perfection but people see through that.
I have walked with Jesus for 17 years. 12 of those years I have served Him actively in ministry.
That sounds awesome, right.
What you don't is that over the course of these years, I have done many things I am not proud of. Sometimes even blatantly doing things I know to be wrong or sinful.
Today, I am reminded how incredibly thankful I am for my salvation. I am thankful for God's patience with me and I am thankful for his grace, that not only saved me 17 years ago, but continues to save me today.
My relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship in my life. Today, I approach every other relationship I have with a renewed sense of purpose as I intend to honor Jesus any way I can as I love the folks he has placed in my life. I want to be a better husband, father, and friend because of Jesus. I want those I love to experience His love through me.
By God's grace, it will happen.
Day by day.
Step by step.
For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
Hebrews 10:14
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