Over the past weekend, we celebrated America. Our heritage, way of life, but most importantly, our FREEDOM. All of the vast array of freedoms we enjoy are ours as a result of our citizenship. The fact that we live in America. These freedoms should not be taken for granted and we should definitely not just celebrate them one day a year.

Every day, we should celebrate Christ. We should celebrate life through Him, what He has done for us & most importantly, FREEDOM FROM SIN! Just like our freedoms as Americans are ours based on citizenship, if we live in Christ, we are free indeed! (John 8:34-36)

CHRIST has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.
~Galatans 5:1


  1. good man. We must never quit praising.

  2. good man. We must never quit praising.

  3. good man. We must never quit praising.
