Why do we keep secrets anyways? Whether we hide them or reveal them, the effect sin has on us is the same. It eats at us like a cancer and we keep coming back for more. WHEN ARE WE GONNA STOP!!!!
Romans 8:37 says we are more than conquerers no matter what circumstance we are in or what temptation Satan throws at us.
I heard Perry Noble preach last week. He told a story about being in Kenya, Africa and seeing a LITTLE GIRL with a BULL on a leash. What's wrong with this picture. The bull could easily run all over this little girl because the bull is more powerful. The bull percieves that the little girl has the power because she has the leash.
The comparison Perry brought out of this is AWESOME. Satan is the little girl with a leash of sin around our necks. As Christians, we are so much more powerful than him or his freakin' leash. Jesus won that victory for us when he died on the cross!
We need to be proactive if we're gonna overcome "secret" sin in our lives. What steps can we take to set ourselves up for success and victory over these sinful snares along life's path?
One thing we MUST do is spend daily time in God's word! On purpose, with a purpose, we must fill our minds and hearts with scripture. If we do so, when tempations come our way we will have ammunition to combat them. That's what Jesus did (Matt. 4:1-11)! Each time we are tempted when "Satan says", we should be so filled with wisdom from the scriptures our response should be the same as our Lord's--- "IT IS WRITTEN!"
We could leave those scriptures that really speak to us in places that we will constantly see them. Put post-it notes on our bathroom mirrors, write in on our foreheads, we need to meditate on God's word and actively put the truth we read into practice.
I've referred to our sins noone knows about as "secret sin" but guess what? God already knows. EVERYTHING! Past sin, future sin, every thought, every action. God knows it ALL and He, in His unending mercy, saved us anyways. THAT is why grace is so amazing. We must bow before him in total repentance. Every area of our lives needs to be surrendered to Him.
On top of being honest with God, like we have any other choice, it is important to find someone we trust and respect to talk to. A pastor, spouse, best friend, someone to vent to and discuss our issues of sin with. As long as our sin is "secret", it has power. As long as we keep our secrets and give our sin power, we spit in the face of everything Jesus accomplished on the cross. Be open, be honest, be REAL! Our secrets are worth talking about and getting out into the open. By talking, we confront our sin as a real issue and begin the healing process.
What's your secret? Honesty leads to intimacy. Think about it--- what in your life is keeping Jesus from the intimate relationship we desires with you?
that was so awesome brother. WHAT A FREAKING AWESOME POST. Keep serving HIM brother.