Thursday night I watched TNA wrestling on Spike TV. As I watched, Jim Cornett made an interesting statement. He said, and I quote, "I did what was right, not what was convenient!" I believe a lot can be learned from this.
Your friend wants an abortion. It would be convenient to give her reasons arguing that it is okay for her to do so. It would be right to stand up for her unborn child and tell your friend to suck it up and deal with the consequences of her actions, planned or not!
You want to divorce your spouse. It would be convenient to point out all of the flaws in this person and dump them for someone "new and exciting". It would be right to dig your heels in, love your spouse unconditionally and FIGHT for your marriage as if your wedding vows actually meant something.
You see a homeless person on the street asking for money. It would be convenient to look the other way and drive off without giving him another thought. It would be right to treat him like "one of the least of these" Jesus mentioned in Matthew 25:40 and feed him, or clothe him or SOMETHING!
You see someone that you know does not have a relationship with Jesus. It would be convenient to reason that someone else will tell them. It would be right to be a bold witness for Christ, take the Great Commission---Matthew 28:16-20 (not the great suggestion) seriously and tell them yourself.
I say we need to put an end to Christians, disciples of Jesus Christ, doing what is convenient. I pray that we never settle for convenience when we are afforded the opportunity to do what is right for Jesus' sake!
awesome, brother. What an amazing word. I tell you its time for the BODY OF CHRIST TO ACT LIKE THE BODY OF CHRIST. We got to be JESUS to this world. Why are we so stupid?