Facebook has a pretty cool button for liking stuff. If someone posts something on their feed that you like you can "like" it. I've always been one of those who sees certain status' & laugh that they get liked.

You know what I'm talking about........ "I broke my leg today because I fell on stupid ice!!"....... "I'm lonely. Guess I'll be single for ever:("........ "Good grief. flat tire and stranded on the side of the road."

I always thought it was so mean to "like" a status involving something negative, or one in which someone expresses distress.

In 10 minutes my wife has another utrasound (had one yesterday), to check on our daughter. yesterday they found that our little girl is measuring small (33 weeks & Patricia is 37 weeks today.

Last night I posted a status asking friends to stand with us in prayer and describing the situation. I have been overwhelmed by the number of "like"'s this status has gotten. The messages and comments have been encouraging as well.

I have learned that sometimes, clicking "like" is a way to say "I love you". or "I'm praying for you". Or "I'm here" & "I care".

When you look at it that way, it's pretty encouraging.

I would appreciate continued prayers for my wife & daughter as this ultra sound takes place. Also for me & my son Thomas.

Friends, I "like" you. God does too!

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