Growing up, I used to hate hearing how much potential I had. Typically I heard this while I was getting in trouble and mom, or the principal, or a teacher, or grandma, or somebody would tell me about my potential and how I could do so much better.

What I hated to hear then is something I end up telling others a lot.

YOU HAVE TREMENDOUS POTENTIAL! YOU, right where you are, in your life, can be used by God to do great things.

I am thoroughly convinced that within each of us lies the potential for great good or great evil.

You may ask, "What potential come from my life? Do I have and live good or bad potential?" Well, I suppose the answer to that lies with you and the choices you make. Which do you nourish, your good potential or bad potential?

Can you imagine Billy Graham the terrorist leader? What about Adolf Hitler the evangelist? Both men were amazing leaders. Both men had tremendous potential for great good or great evil.

What made the difference? The choices they made and the potential they nourished and developed over time.

Hitler could have been the greatest preacher the world ever knew! What about you? What decisions are you making? Are you tapping into the potential within to do great good or great evil?

The choice is yours. I pray that you make the decision to tap into your good potential and allow God to use you to advance His Kingdom & that through your life people would know Jesus better.

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